After a long 15 hour flight (where I caught up some on my sleep) we arrived in Australia.
My friend from dental school, whom I hadn’t seen in 28 years, came out to cheer me on! A bunch of friends from India FaceTimed too and this simply made my day!! It felt so heartwarming and I felt so supported and loved that I felt like I was flying the first few miles:)
It was a nighttime run along the river. Temps were about 70 degrees a with a strong wind warning, but died down some to about 10 mph.

The course was four loops out and back. Felt great starting out but there was a headwind on the back each time.

Felt strong at the finish!
The camaraderie and encouragement is simply priceless.

Now it is time to go take a shower and get ready for another long flight to Dubai!