Category World Marathon Race

Day 7 – Miami, USA

Day 7 – Miami! That was a near perfect run! Leanne and my family caught me minutes before we started at 12:51am. It was a 4 loop course and I started off feeling good. Seeing Leanne and my family (which…

Day 6 – Fortaleza, Brazil

That was brutal! We started at 5:50 AM and the temperature was already 80F. My calves were tight and sore and it was a struggle from the start. It was ahot day with the temps climbing to 95 by the…

Day 5 – Madrid, Spain

I am a Warrier!!! I slayed those hills today! I was dreading Madrid with the hills and 1900 ft elevation gain. It was a 11 loop course with a massive hill and second moderate hill on each loop, making a…

Day 4 – Dubai, UAE

We are just now landing in Dubai for the 4th marathon, feeling somewhat rested. Had some issues on the plane with finding the right food with no real vegetarian choices. Feeling a bit nervous going into this. This is going…

Day 3 – Perth, Australia

After a long 15 hour flight (where I caught up some on my sleep) we arrived in Australia. My friend from dental school, whom I hadn’t seen in 28 years, came out to cheer me on! A bunch of friends…

Day 2 – Cape Town, South Africa

Race #2 in Cape Town! Just 11 hours after finishing Antarctica in 16 degrees weather, we rain in 76 degrees heat in Cape Town! It was very challenging with the unrelenting heat with absolutely no shade. It was a beautiful…

Day 1 – Antarctica

Antarctica – Here I come! So excited and a little nervous at the same time. Flying time from Cape Town is approximately six hours and we travel in a modified aircraft! Just landed in Antractica. Feeling a little nervous but…