Day 7 – Miami!
That was a near perfect run! Leanne and my family caught me minutes before we started at 12:51am. It was a 4 loop course and I started off feeling good. Seeing Leanne and my family (which she is) really buoyed my spirits. She ran the second lap with me and that made my day.

As we came in, so happy to see Indu, Mona and Manoj waiting for me! That was a terrific moment and energized me.

For the final lap, Mona and Manoj rode with me the whole way and the support felt great! With the finish line in sight as dawn was starting to break, I sprinted in, apparently too fast for them to have the banner ready 😂.

All in all, a great day! Happy and honored to be the first woman of Indian origin in the WORLD to do this! I ran 7 marathons in 7 continents in 5 days, 21 hours and 26 minutes!! Not bad for a work week 😂

A huge shoutout to INDUSTREKS for their unwavering support! ♥️