We are just now landing in Dubai for the 4th marathon, feeling somewhat rested. Had some issues on the plane with finding the right food with no real vegetarian choices. Feeling a bit nervous going into this.
This is going to be another night run and the temperatures are supposed to be cooler, varying from 70F to 58F. So should be comfortable to run. Looking forward to the lighted streets of Dubai.
Excited to do it!!

Whew, that was a hard race! We ran 8 loops of roughly 3.3 miles inside Expo City. Personally, I thought it was a rather boring route. It was also sidewalk-like, so it was very hard on the feet. To top that off, my stomach was upset since the plane did not figure out a proper vegetarian meal and my nutrition was off. I felt really nauseous until at least mile 16 or so, and it never really completely went away. Coke, which I neve drink, seemed to help settle it some.
We had started at 5PM in the sunlight and then when the lights came on, it made me disoriented and kind of light-headed. I had to dig really really deep to do this.

The finish was in the spectacular Expo dome and that made it really special.

Now on to the next one. Madrid, here we come!